Marie Hoes
Hoes, M. (2019). Redox materials and structures for thermochemical H2O and CO2 splitting cycles (Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zurich).
Zoller S., Koepf E., Roos P., Steinfeld A.
Zoller, S., Koepf, E., Roos, P., & Steinfeld, A. (2019). Heat Transfer Model of a 50 kW Solar Receiver–Reactor for Thermochemical Redox Cycling Using Cerium Dioxide. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 141(2).
Stefan Brendelberger, Josua Vieten, Martin Roeb, Christian Sattler
Brendelberger, S., Vieten, J., Roeb, M., & Sattler, C. (2019). Thermochemical oxygen pumping for improved hydrogen production in solar redox cycles. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(20), 9802-9810.
Stefan Brendelberger, Philipp Holzemer-Zerhusen, Henrick von Storch, Christian Sattler
Brendelberger, S., Holzemer-Zerhusen, P., von Storch, H., & Sattler, C. (2019). Performance Assessment of a Heat Recovery System for Monolithic Receiver-Reactors. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 141(2).
Stefan Zoller
Zoller.S. (2020) , A 50 kW solar thermochemical reactor for syngas production utilizing porous ceria structures (Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zurich).
Manuel Romero, José González-Aguilar, Andreas Sizmann, Valentin Batteiger, Christoph Falter, Aldo Steinfeld, Stefan Zoller, Stefan Brendelberger, Dick Lieftink (2019) Solar-Driven Thermochemical Production of Sustainable Liquid Fuels from H2O and CO2 in a Heliostat Field. Solar World Congress 2019
Marie Hoes, Erik Koepf, Patrick Davenport, Aldo Steinfeld
Hoes, M., Koepf, E., Davenport, P., & Steinfeld, A. (2019). Reticulated porous ceramic ceria structures with modified surface geometry for solar thermochemical splitting of H2O and CO2. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2126, No. 1, p. 180010)
Stylianos Kyrimis, Patrick Le Clercq, and Stefan Brendelberger
Kyrimis, Stylianos, Patrick Le Clercq, and Stefan Brendelberger. "3D modelling of a solar thermochemical reactor for MW scaling-up studies." AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2126. No. 1. AIP Publishing, 2019.
Valentin Batteiger, Christoph Falter, José Luis Gálvez Martos , Javier Dufour, Diego Iribarren
Batteiger. V. Public Report: Techno‐economic and environmental analysis of Carbon dioxide provision from various sources. SUN-to-LIQUID project, Germany
Marie Hoes Simon, Ackermann, David Theiler, Philipp Furler, Aldo Steinfeld
Hoes, M., Ackermann, S., Theiler, D., Furler, P., & Steinfeld, A. (2019) Additive‐manufactured ordered porous structures made of ceria for concentrating solar applications. Energy Technology.
Dustin Nizamian
Nizamian. D. (2019). On-sun commissioning of a 50 kW solar reactor for thermochemical H2O & CO2 splitting (Master thesis)
Marco Stephan
Stephan. M. (2019). Experimental assessment of a 50 kW solar reactor for thermochemical splitting of H2O and CO2 (Master thesis)
Christoph Falter, Robert Pitz-Paal
Falter, C., & Pitz-Paal, R. (2018). Energy analysis of solar thermochemical fuel production pathway with a focus on waste heat recuperation and vacuum generation. Solar Energy, 176, 230-240.
Christoph P. Falter, Robert Pitz-Paal
Falter, C. P., & Pitz-Paal, R. (2018). Modeling counter-flow particle heat exchangers for two-step solar thermochemical syngas production. Applied Thermal Engineering, 132, 613-623.
Jacot, R., Naik, J. M., Moré, R., Michalsky, R., Steinfeld, A., & Patzke, G. R.
Jacot, R., Naik, J. M., Moré, R., Michalsky, R., Steinfeld, A., & Patzke, G. R. (2018). Reactive stability of promising scalable doped ceria materials for thermochemical two-step CO 2 dissociation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6(14), 5807-5816.
Erik Koepf, Stefan Zoller, Salvador Luque, Martin Thelen, Stefan Brendelberger, José González-Aguilar, Manuel Romero, Aldo Steinfeld
Koepf, E., Zoller, S., Luque, S., González-Aguilar, J., Romero, M., & Steinfeld, A. (2018). Liquid Fuels From Concentrated Sunlight: An Overview on Development and Integration of a 50 kW Solar Thermochemical Reactor and High Concentration Solar Field for
Carlos Larrea
Larrea.C., (2018). Assessment of a 50 kW solar reactor for thermochemical splitting of CO2 (Master thesis)
SOLAR-JET Consortium
SOLAR-JET is the the EU-project which preceded SUN-to-LIQUID and demonstrated the first-ever solar thermochemical kerosene production from H2O and CO2 in a laboratory environment.
Christoph P. Falter, Robert Pitz-Paal
Falter, C. P., & Pitz-Paal, R. (2017). A generic solar-thermochemical reactor model with internal heat diffusion for counter-flow solid heat exchange. Solar Energy, 144, 569-579.
Manuel Romero, José González-Aguilar and Salvador Luque
Romero, M., González-Aguilar, J., & Luque, S. (2017, June). Ultra-modular 500m2 heliostat field for high flux/high temperature solar-driven processes. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1850, No. 1, p. 030044). AIP Publishing.
Christoph Falter and Robert Pitz-Paal
Falter, C., & Pitz-Paal, R. (2017). Water Footprint and Land Requirement of Solar Thermochemical Jet-Fuel Production. Environmental science & technology, 51(21), 12938-12947. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02633
Patrick Davenport
Davenport.P. (2017) Fabrication and characterization of large-scale ceria RPC structures for a 50 kW solar reactor cavity (Master thesis)
Christoph Falter, Andreas Sizmann, and Robert Pitz-Paal
Falter, C., Sizmann, A., & Pitz-Paal, R. (2017, June). Perspectives of advanced thermal management in solar thermochemical syngas production using a counter-flow solid-solid heat exchanger. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1850, No. 1, p. 100005). AIP
Marie Hoes, Christopher L. Muhich, Roger Jacot, Greta R. Patzke, Aldo Steinfeld
Hoes, M. (2017). Thermodynamics of paired charge-compensating doped ceria with superior redox performance for solar thermochemical splitting of H2O and CO2. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(36), 19476-19484.
Philipp Roos
Roos.P. (2016), Design, fabrication, and testing of large scale ceria RPC structures for a cavity-based 50 kW solar reactor (Master thesis)
Danilo Grunauer
Grunauer. D. (2016), Stress analysis of a quartz window operating at high temperature and under vacuum in a solar reactor (Master thesis)